Rivers with File Input?

Hey there,

So tutorial #5 shows how to use the layout generator to create a mask and then invert the value and connect it to the erosion to create rivers or roads. This seems to work fine with heightmaps generated in World Machine, but not so well with a custom heightmap. It stops the errosion in that area, but it doesn’t actually cause the heightmap to change. In my case the heightmap is mostly flat in that area so its having virtually no effect.

Is there any way to have it actually carve out a heightmap that I created in mudbox? If I apply this as a mask to my File input, it just means all I get is the river and nothing else.

Ahh, nevermind, I figured out the answer to my own question. What I did was I duplicated the File Input and then connected this into a layout generator. Then I used a combiner to combine my layout and my river mask and then connected this to the mask of my Main File Input (original heightmap). This caused the river mask to simply be overlaid onto my heightmap and it worked perfectly!