Script Input/Output Filenames


I am trying to automate generation of a whole series of terrain heightmaps in WM. I have a WM script to generate a single heightmap, but I don’t want to have to change the output filename each time (this is an overnight process involving hundreds of heightmaps). Is there some way to script/automate this? I have not been able to find any info about this so far.

Honestly, all I need is to be able to specify input and output filenames in a WM automation file, but I can’t find any info about this.


Hi there,

You’re right – this functionality is not currently possible with the existing scripting support.

I am interested in more information on your use case as it would not be hard to add support for this. I’m assuming that you’re not creating tiles or other regular sections of map (otherwise tiling support would do the trick), so can you add some additional information on what exactly you’d need to achieve your goals? If possible I will see if I can get this into the next beta!

We are using WM to process existing heightmaps to add natural detail to them. Our script has one HM input, processes it to add detail, and has one HM output. I want to automate running the script on 100s of unrelated (not tiling) input/output pairs without having to manually change the filenames.

Thanks for your help. This basically makes-or-breaks our use of WM, so getting support as soon as possible would be very helpful.


Did this ever get resolved? I too would be interested in this feature.

You could theoretically use a language like python to script around the automation scripting?

  • from heightmap input pool (folder)
  • iterate through all heightmaps
    – for each:
    — copy heightmap from pool, overwrite the heightfield input file used in worldmachine
    — call to render output
    — call to move / rename output to a new location