Set Base Height in WM

Hi Guys,

Read everywhere, but couldnt find what I was looking for, so turning to you…

In short I would like to know how I can increase the base height of a map in World Machine.

Detailed problem: I have generated a map and imported it into a game engine (16bit raw file). The elevation range of course starts at 0. Now in game if I walk in in places where the elevation is 0 the game engine thinks I am at sea level and I start swimming above the ground. Easy solution would be simply to raise everything 10 meters but for the life of me I can not figure out how to do this in WM.

Thanks for the help!

  • KING

Use a Clamp device before the File Output, and increase the min height?


That worked perfect… put the clamp in between input and output, then raise the from value a bit and finally raise the terrain height scale and I am golden!!!

I had the right idea, but I was trying to do it with scalar clamp and that would only let me attach to a filter…

Thanks again for putting an end to my frustration and making my day…

Cheers - KING

Hehe, you’re welcome :wink: