Shortkeys for World and Local space

Right now, to change a device from Worldspace to Localspace, one needs to right click, navigate the context menu, open the drop down selection, select Localspace and then close the dialogue. That is quite a lot and a bit annoying if I may say so. Hence would like to request the following shortkeys:

  • ctrl+W for Worldspace
  • ctrl+L for Localspace
  • ctrl+I+S for switching to Inherited.

This will let users quickly switch between local and world space.

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Just as a quick note, I believe ctrl+W is a default Windows keyboard shortcut to close a window, so setting that combination to a shortcut in World Machine may have unexpected and undesirable results. I’m not entirely positive what it takes to overrule a default Windows shortcut. Also that might just be an old shortcut and my age is showing, I’m not positive, I made the switch to Alt+F4 for that years ago.

Yes this would be helpfull.
What about One key that toggles World/Local space?
ctrl + S

Would also prevent a user from forgetting to save their file as a bonus! :wink:

Ah yes, I totally forgot about that. Maybe ctrl+shift+W and ctrl+shift+L then.

Maybe a little bit OT but could you explain how localspace is useful and for what it can be utilized? I never use it to be honest ^^

Hi there,

This help center article answers your question:


@hamzaaa1988 Once you get into PBR material based texturing, local space will become part of your workflow. It’s basically useful for “scattering an asset” onto your world. The “asset” itself needs to be in local space, becomes world space once scattered across your “world”.

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