Simple image overlay

PLease help: I have a terrain and an orthophoto which I want to drape over it in order to use as a guide in laying out custom roads and other shapes. I cannot figure out how to get the image to properly overlay. The lowest line of pixels is stretched and no amount of sizing seems to fix it.

Any ideas?

im not quite sure not a big WM player yer but maybe the source images have to be the same size, square and power of 2…

Different file sizes and aspects are OK, although different aspect ratios in particular make things more difficult (if one image is square, and the other is rectangular, and they are both mapped to a square, the rectangular one is going to be distorted)

Open your TIFF image in an image viewer and check to see if that streaked-region at the bottom exists or not. If it does not, then there might be a bug in WM’s tiff routines; try converting the image to another format (such as PNG or BMP) and loading that. (And also sending me a copy of the TIFF to look at,

On the other hand, if other image viewers show the same streaks at the bottom, you have a corrupted or incomplete image file on your hands, and there’s very little to do to fix it unfortunately :frowning:

I know the streaking isn’t part of the image – it looks to me like WM is taking the last (bottom) row of pixels and stretching them down. This tif works fine in Terragen and other programs. I will try a different format and see what happens.


Converted the image to .bmp and it works fine.

Hi Greg,

Can you send me an email at with the TIFF file attached so I can see why its not importing correctly into WM?


if you use other image viewer and everything is working fine. then it has nothing to do with the tiff image format. you don’t need to do image conversion. so your image file or documents must be corrupted. you need to fix that. contact the worldmachine.