Single vs Tiled significant render differences

I need to use tiled rendering to render a 300x300km terrain at 2.5m resolution. I have been working on a 20x20km test map from one of the sample files (split into 64 1024x1024 pieces for the 8192x8192 terrain at 2.5m resolution) and thought things were fine. I had noticed that the contour map that World Machine created for me never really lined up with the terrain in the game built from the output heightmap data.

I had to build my own contour map from the output heightmap data and was surprised to discover that the contour map from the tiled render is VERY different from what I expected.

Is there something I can do to get the tiled render to be the same as the single-file render?

Attachment 1: World-machine created contour map (with some embellishments.)
Attachment 2: Contour map created from heightmap data output from a single 8192x8192 render.
Attachment 3: Contour map created from heightmap data output from tiled 1024x1024x64 render.
Attachment 4: Sample file used to generate these.

I am using World Machine 2.3.7 Professional 64-bit.

Thank you for any suggestions you can offer.

Try exprementing with blending procentage . 25%

Thank you, I tried 100% and it is a lot closer to the single file render, but the tiling artifacts are still noticeable.

Make sure that you have assambel the Tiled pices in the right order.
also try and tick “Calculate edges tiles on…”

Thanks for the suggestions but the tiles are assembled in the correct order, and “Calculate edge tiles on partial tilesets” would only seem to matter if I am calculating a partial tileset (although it isn’t documented in the World Machine manual that I can see.)

Try and normalize the map. It seem to be abit white

I have seen this issue before.

This usually has to do with devices that show the red !, for example the Clamp node if you set it to ‘normalize’ … and I think it’s basically informing you that this type of operation may behave differently in a single tile versus whole world as it operates on the current data.

Tiled terrains never truly match up with single file terrain heightmap. The reason for this is that erosion does not take into account the height data in adjacent tiles, and blending is done as a post process. The terrain you wanted to be built should have been checked with tiled builds in earlier stages. One thing you can do is build high resolution single tile terrain, then in a new file, import it and cut up into tiles. Max you can go is 16k though, for one file. Or you can adjust your contour map according to the new tiled terrain (if that is even an option).