SOLVED: Getting the highest points between 2 inputs

Hey All

I need some assistance.

What I’m trying to get is a heightmap generated by analyzing 2 input heightfields and for every pixel, choose the highest point of the 2 maps. I could be doing something wrong, but from what I can tell the Height Chooser has some sort of blending that occurs, so I can’t quite get the effect I’m after.

I think I could possibly make it work with the chooser if I could figure out a way to generate an interference map between the 2 heightfields to plugin to the C input, but I can’t quite wrap my head around how to do that.

Does anyone now how I can pull this off?


EDIT: I figured it out. It was so simple that I overlooked it. TBH I feel kinda silly, but for anyone else who would like to know, it was as simple as using the a Combiner node with the Max Method and Strength set to 1.0.