Splitter crash

Hi Stephen,

It’s been a while since I reported a bug (in fact it’s been a while since I used WM2) but I have an annoying crash when I link up a Splitter device. See attached for an example. If I try to connect the remaining Splitter port it crashes WM2.15 every time.

XP Pro
Pentium dual core

Apologies if this has been logged already.

All the best

Confirmed on winXP X64.

I have found the Universal Splitter works without crashing WM2.15. I couldn’t locate a simple Splitter, so is the Universal Splitter the correct device to use to split a heightfield into multiple copies?

You don’t need a splitter, you can connect one output to multiple inputs.

:smiley: Thanks - that’s one change I must have missed! :smiley: