Strange effects when importing heightfield from WM 3.0.1 into Unity 3D 4.5


I am going nuts here…

back in time with WM 2.3 and Unity 4.0.x, a heightfield exported from WM had to be flipped vertically and be “power-of-two” +1 to be correct within Unity.

Now - with Untiy 4.5 and WM 3.0.1 it seems there is something broken:

I export a normalmap in 2048x2048 from WM
I export a .raw heightfield in 2049x2049 from WM (flipped vertically)

When importing the heightfield as unity terrain (width/lenght = 2000, height = 300, heightmap reso 2049) and apply a colormap and the normalmap, they do not match anymore!

Seems, the normalmap is offset a bit (see image)

I can correct it, by setting the size to “2000” by “2000” for the textures… but this was not the case in older version, there one had to set it to “2048”…

Is this a WM 3.0.1 Problem?!


Very odd problem. I would flip back and forth in World Machine inspecting your normal and terrain maps to see if they register features in the same location.

If the normal map generator isn’t putting them in the same place, then obviously the problem is with WM; if they are the same, then the problem lies in the unity import process, and we’ll have to figure out what changed there.

hello Stephen,

when I put together an overlay in WM3 and project the normalmap as “bitmap texture” on top of the heightfield, everything looks good.
The same normalmap on the same heightfield (just flipped vertically) in unity gives the “offset effect”…

Maybe I will download Unity 4.0 again and test it again.


So far, setting the texture tiling size to “2000” OR setting the terrain´s height and width to “2048” solves the problem.

But next week (maybe) can free some time to test it in Untiy 4.0.x