Terrain from Photo

hi,is there any body can help me about this Questions?
I readed this topic :http://forum.world-machine.com/index.php?topic=1112.0
And try it with the path,but failed
so,I need a detail tutorial and thx frist of all . :smiley:

sorry for my poor english,I hope you can understand my meaning :oops:


There are not many tutorials for World Machine. I’ve seen some, but they usually just
cover a very small part of the creation like for example “how to make a crater” and stuff like that.

I think it’s a little pity there are so few tutorials, cause this software is really awesome and there
are probably more than just me that struggles with it the first times they try it. I know it is
supposed to be easy to learn, but I remember when I first fired it up. Nothing made sense and it
seemed like I would never learn how to handle it.

That being said, I was thinking about making a tutorial on making mountains from start to finish
and try to cover all the important things. Not from a reference photo, but since I usually work in
layout mode it may be helpful towards your question. I’m no expert in this software, but I don’t
think one tutorial more will harm anyone. You’d have to be patient tho. I don’t have to much
free time these days, but I’ll post it here in the forums when it’s finished :wink:

  • Terje

Just drop me a line when you write the tutorial and I will make sure it gets linked from the official pages Terje!

For a long time now I’ve been wanting to create video “screencast” tutorials to help with learning WM. These are especially useful for non-native-english speakers as you can follow along even if you can’t hear what’s happening. They are, however, harder to create and polish than I anticipated they would be. Still in the pipeline…

Alright Stephen. I’ll let you know when it’s finished.
Looking forward to your video tutorials :smiley:
