Terrain Tutorail + Macro creation

…to be found here:

hope you enjoy!

Merci Simon ! :slight_smile:

Thanks very much!!! I’m sorry for a beguiner question, but how I save a .DEV file?

dev files are the files that store Macros. You save them by selecting the macro and choosing “Commands -> Save device to Library”. Good macroing :slight_smile:

Hey Simon,

that is cool.
I’m looking forward for part 2.

Will we have a part 2 soon ?

Some questions:
If we select all devices to create our macro, should we select the file output device also?

If we connect the different devices of our macro to the config device, is there a way to show the name of the config param, so that we connect the device to the right part?
It is a bit difficult to connect everything to the right place, if you have ten or more parts to config.

Damm. I hate this log in problem.
The forum shows my name as registrated user but if I answer to a thread my answer is from guest :shock:

Some questions: If we select all devices to create our macro, should we select the file output device also?

Personally I don’t like to place File Output or File Input inside a macro… The reason I don’t like it is because I rarely open the Macro to check the contents… And I am bound to forget that there is a file being written or read inside it…

If we connect the different devices of our macro to the config device, is there a way to show the name of the config param, so that we connect the device to the right part? It is a bit difficult to connect everything to the right place, if you have ten or more parts to config.

I didn’t understand what you mean by “config device” is it the “Macro Parameters” grey device box inside the Macro? When the mouse moves over the output, it is displayed above the device, is it that?

I didn’t understand very well your last question…

I sometimes use splitters and rename them to easy in understanding things… To rename a device right-click and choose “Set Name” or use “Shift + double click”.

Did this help?

Sorry Fil for this late response.

Let me try to explain what I mean again.
Simons Tutorial has a part where he writes

Select all components and choose Create Macro Right click the new born module and choose Edit Macro Components

After that you are connecting the devices to the Params Configuration Device and this was a bit difficult for me.

Hey Simon did you ever do a part two?
I’m stuck! I didn’t actually follow what you did, I just used the info to make my own and it doesn’t do anything! lol
Can a voronoi be used inside of a macro? I’m trying to make a moveable stepping stones macro.

I heard you got the answer to this question in TerraNuts. I’m only replying to to avoid loose ends…

The problem is not connecting anything to the Macro Out. And since the Macro parameters is the selected device, the preview is being made on the macro result… which actually is nothing right now :slight_smile:

But problem had been solved already at TerraNuts.


LOL yeah got it thank you. Osh caught the missing connection. I just assumed all I had to do was add a port and it would be automatic. And the part about no incrementals inside the macro threw me a bit as well.
Is there any way I can reduce the point spacing of the voronoi even further? I’m sure there must be. The smallest peak spacing is 0.6 but that is till failry large in world terms for the effect I’m looking for. Broken glacier fields, water polished rocks etc…
The new compilation is pretty interesting especially with the full voronoi shapes and styles implemented. It has potential but as it stands, it needs to have more range in lower levels.

Simon you start off this tutorial with assumptions that you reader MIGHT NOT KNOW. I think all tutorials should start with a list of “Requiered knowledge” then give links to where the that knowledge can be aquired. As it was I got lost as soon as you mentioned gradients.