The gradifier

well here it is; if the link works. This solved my beach problem and is great for makeing atolls, but has too many uses to cover here. It is a vary adjustable double gradient. I have to thank j stuart j for this one.
It’s at Terranuts so just don’t down load it, drop in.

Well, with the responce to my last macro, not sure if I’ll post any more; macros. Cliffs and slopes is ready to go, and I’ve thought about putting a few of the little maros that I use all the time, in a group; like my adjustable noise… hay isn’t that music?

Hmm, I hadn’t had a chance to play with this until just now, but it’s pretty cool! Good for making multi-ridge masks I think. Makes me wish you could animate WM terrains though. The cool motion the gradients make as they rotate and interact with each other would look very cool in rendered motion. Not sure where I’ll find use for this, but it’s definitely a nice addition to the library.

  • Oshyan

My unresponsiveness had nothing to do with the usefullness of your post. My attention was on a work project, that had me working 18 hours a day over the last 2 weeks. I finally had time to try it today.

Interesting looks useful. I like the control over placement. The concept might also make a nice base for a ridgeline generator I will have to play with it more when I have time.

As a beach, wouldn’t it be hard to render at the scale it’s at. I would think the end of the landscape would becoming visiable. Now that I think up it, I guess it would work great for a shot standing on a beach looking out to sea or perhap a real close up or tight cropped shot.

I’m curious what use are you making with with with your plug-in’s and WM in general?

Myself I rarely have clients require landscape renders. I am a production artist but dont get many Pre-Vis jobs… But I have done a few landscape renders pre-vis’ing a three hole golf course. But I didn’t have WM at the time.

J. Stuart J. Production Art & Imaging

I was just poking fun. This just seems like a fairly inactive site. I know it’s just because of the limited membership. Makes me wounder what every one else is using to make their terrains.

Yes the scale does present some problems. As you speculated it is quite good for close shots, and works nice for atolls and bays. It’s also good for step up mountain ranges. I made a beautful set of foot hills using it on one of my rolling hills terrains.

I use WM strickly for TG terrains. The macros that I make are usually designed while trying to create a spacific terrain type. As far as land scapeing I have 3d vr landscaper for that; but rarly need it. My indapendent lanscapeing is usualy cleaning out , removing, or rebuilding flower beds. I’m in a small rural town, and every drunk with a ride on lawn mower and a shovel thinks they’re a land scaper. I’m the only one that knows anything about hortaculture; no I quit drinking 15 years ago.