The inevitable WM 1.0 question...

[i]Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:03 am Post subject:

timeline is, like I said, sometime in the next 2 months. [/i]

I’m getting really frustrated with the memory issues in WM 0.99 - considering the above, are we any nearer to knowing a firm release date for WM 1.0?

very, very soon.

I’ll have a firm date when all code is 100% done and the docs are done as well – at that point we’ll be under a week away.

Right now, code is probably only a few days of work from 100% done, and then the docs need considerable review, editing, and polishing.

Every time I give a milestone date it slips it :wink: so I’m not going to specify one here, other than saying that it will definitely be Really Soon Now. I’ll post a notice when all work is completed and we’re only a few days out – but whether that’s a week or three from now I don’t want to promise yet.

regarding .99 memory issues, which one in particular are you running into?

So close I think I can taste it, anyway. And it tastes goooood. Or is that creepy? lol.

  • Oshyan

GROOVY! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I hope I’m not saying too much, but recently a bug that was inactive in earlier versions of WM, was tracked literally across several time zones, and finally squashed the very next day by WM’s expert bug squasher! :wink:
So these anoying little rodents have been responsible for some unpredictible work…