Tile Import - Ignore missing tiles.

Hi, we are trying to import a set of tiles made from DEM data. Our terrain tiles follow a railway corridor, so we really only need to import the tiles that are along that corridor, nothing else

It seems that world machine will only let us import whole sets of square tiles, but this is very wastefull.

Is there a way to get world machine to only import the tiles in our tiles directory, and skip over any tiles that are missing from the set?

This is very important functionality for us as we are working with very long Terrains, and importing tiles we do not need wastes time and system resources.


This is not currently possible, not for any technical reason but because I did not forsee the usefulness of such an ability. It would be quite easy to add, and I will try to do so for the next 2.3 beta release!

Working in Commercial train simulators, we really do have a very specific set of needs, and we have been unable to find any software off the shelf that can do what we need.

however, having said this, WM is coming very close and if you could add this to the next Beta, it would be fantastic.

We are going to purchase a license within the next week, so thankyou very much! this will be a great addition, and i am sure others could also find this usefull for things such as car racing games, or other games where the path of the player is very limited.

I also had another thought that at the end of our WM pipeline, we will need to export our height maps, it probably would not be as simple, but it would also be as good to be able to select only the tiles to export that you want.

For example, in the heightmap output properties, being able to click on tiles in the grid view that comes up, and only having the selected tiles export. I know i am asking too mucjh… but i think this could be a great feature for lots of purposes.

Hi Shane,

BTW, in investigating the feasibility of this I realized that you may have overlooked one possibility for import of tile sets. By using the import subsection feature you can take in any rectangular subarea of tiles. in other words, if you have a 8x8 set of tiles, you can import any rectangular set of them already. The only thing not possible is importing only certain tiles but not others.

Just check “Use Tile Subset” and go from there in the tiled file input device.