tiled builds export import after an extension rename

I am having this issue right now and I’m wondering if your able to help me out.

I have a world machine file and I do a tiled export as .r16 files.
if i import these into another world machine file with a tiled input everything looks great :slight_smile:

The problem occurs when I do a file rename of the files and turn them into a .raw file which is what my engine needs. Now if I rename these files back to .r16 and try to import them back into world machine I get differences in the terrain along the tile edges, as if i had done a tiled export without any blending. This is truly odd as the same files were completely fine when i imported them prior to any extension renaming of them. The input settings have not changed between attempts.

I have tried importing them as .raw files but I get an error saying “Could not detect tileset!” but renaming them back to .r16 allows them to be imported.

The problem seems to have managed to fix itsself. I tried reproducing it on a new file and was unsuccessful, so i then tried to see if it was still happening with the files i was using before, and as i’d restarted world machine everything worked great. my guess is there was some error on the tiled file input that was happening when world machine was using too much memory or something like that.

so if anyone is getting a similar problem, try restarting world machine and see if the problem persists.