Tiled exporting bitmap outputs with "flip y axis" causes offset

Hi- We had a problem recently where we were running Tiled Exports on a Height Map, Color Map, Normal Map, and Splat Map. In the Tiled Build Settings, we had checked “Flip Y Axis Orientation” because we need it for our heightmaps to appear in the world at the proper coordinates.

When we looked at our Color/Normal/Splat maps, all of them were shifted maybe 25% down from where they were in the previews in World Machine. After much tinkering, we re-exported just the Bitmap Outputs without “Flip Y Axis Orientation”. This time, the features all appeared to be placed as we expected from the previews.

At time of writing, this seems like a reasonable workaround for our situation, but it does seem like unexpected functionality.


Hi there,

Very odd. I will take a look into this!