I’m having some difficulties outputting tiled exports that fit together seamlessly. I have disabled the tile blending(i realize this affects the erosion matching) and I’m getting tiles that don’t even look closely similar to what single render looks like. When I turn on tile blending, I get no seams but terrible ghosting artefacts
When it comes to tiled problems, its usually from one of several things, in rough order:
There are several devices (which will present a red (!) next to their name) that are unusable in a tiled situation – this is mostly limited to the Flipper and Equalizer without a captured sample. Make sure you aren’t using any of these in the network.
Simulation-type devices such as Erosion, blur, etc can be problematic across boundaries but the problem is usually brought to within reasonable levels by blending.
Erosion specifically can change behavior completely depending on scale if a few things aren’t checked. Erosion settings that play best across tiles include having:
a) If using Geological time enhancement, make sure Scale independence is checked. This one is VERY important and usually the cause of most problems!
b) Very deep channeling erosion can be problematic as well. Try reducing the channel depth or changing to normal style.
A smaller number of higher resolution tiles always behaves better than many low resolution ones.
Finally, if all else fails and you can’t get your terrain to tile the way you want it to, or if you must have many small tiles that would have unacceptable artifacts, you can do a multipass operation. Build your terrain first into either a single file or a few high resolution tiles. Then create a second world file and in that one, create Tiled File Inputs connected to File Outputs, applying final fine erosion or surfacing operations. Since the vast bulk of the terrain building was already done, you can slice the output into many small tiles without any problems.