Tiled output

Using tiled output speeds up ‘build’ phenomenally, by about 30 times. But I have a problem - when I try to read the tiles back in it appears that the odd and even number strips of tiles are transposed.

XP64, dual 2core AMD opterons, 8G RAM.

area is 8K divided into 16X16 tiles; intermediate files are *.ter

files attached(?)

and here’s the first file

Hi corax,

I haven’t looked at your source files yet, but off the top of my head – do you have Flip-Y enabled on either import or export when it should not be? That can cause a strange striped effect.

I’ll check when the current build finishes - sometime - and get back. But I don’t think so.

Same here, looked like they were out of whack in either columns or rows (it would correctly join one way but not the other). You can reproduce this by building a simple tile of perlin (say 8x8) and reading them back in with the tile loader and building that. You can see where they don’t join.

In the Tiled File Input device, check the “Flip Y-orientation of tiles” and click OK and see if that fixes it.

The origin in WM is in the lower-left corner, so sometimes output will be flipped for image file formats that expect upper-left origin. Flip-Y fixes this. You can use it either on Output or Input depending on your needs, but not both at once (because flipping it twice will of course give you back the original incorrect orientation).

If this doesn’t fix the problem, can someone who is experiencing this issue post a screen shot of what the invalid output looks like?

Good Morning,
‘flip Y’ on ip sorts the mismatch. Using *.ter as the intermediate file results in non-alignment in z in most tiles. Using *.R32 cures this.

We’ll get the idiosyncrasies yet, thanks again.

Attached shows the z mismatch.

Remnant i’d say it’s the tiled Height output. When you load them back in, the tiled colour/bitmap output is fine, it’s only the height that is busted (if I tell the height to be loaded as RGB it still shows all the mismatches, which is why I assume its the writing rather than the reading!).

The colour attached is deceiving but I can assure you it’s meant to look like that, the heightmap mismatch is obvious.


That is definitely the tiled Y issue I mentioned earlier – check the Flip-Y box on the Tiled File Input for your terrain and hit ok and it will magically fix itself.

The underlying reason is that some of the transport formats have Y-flip issues. This should be sorted out eventually, but in the meantime the tiled-Y input/output options allow you to sort out the issue.