Tiled terrain export to UE4 is a bit messed up - Really need some help.

This is probably not a big issue for someone who knows what is going on.

I exported a 15 * 15 km terrain for an island I created in world machine.

This is what it looks like in world machine :

I followed the guide for importing to unreal, including changing the z axis value, flipping the y axis, sharing edge vertices etc.

Then I waited for 4 hours whilst world machine built my terrain (lots of coffee and house of cards were consumed)

When it was completed, I enabled world composition in unreal, and imported my tiles.

This was the result :

The Z axis looks okay to me… but…

First off, the terrain seems to be squished into the scene horizontally, if you compare the two images…
Also, it seems to have been horizontally flipped somehow.

Any ideas how I can correct this?


Hey mate :slight_smile:

Lower the Z value in engine as that’s the height of the landscape so you match with the height as in world machine.
Also, I see 8bit artifacts on your landscape in engine (its stepped). make sure you export in 16bit format from world machine.

Bro tip: don’t make huge terrains before its looking perfect. keep at a lower size like 2k until the terrain is really really in its final state then go build final size. like now ur 4 hours is wasted.