Tiling issue.

I am compiling a tiled output to produce a 10240X10240


always use current render extents
always output all tiles

tile resolution: 1024x1024
tiles per side: 10 X 10
blending percentage: 25%

Merge on
share edge verts 0n

but when I assemble them or merge them I notice that slopes have missing pieces, whole lines cut into the texture it is really odd… here is a 1024X1024 (scaled down obviously):

What am I doing wrong?

The problem is that your blending area is too small - smaller than the area of influence of your erosion.
The solution is not using 1k² tiles but 2k² tiles. This removes 3/4 of the potential edges.
Second part of the solution is increasing the blending area.

wow, thanks for the fast info! you rock man!

tried 20 tiles at 50% blend, it had even more seams and lines :(.

It took 4 hours then i fell asleep waiting. Rather than loose my whole day to trial and error…

do you think 40X40 @ 100% will cover it?

I meant fewer and larger tiles, not many smaller ones. :wink: Try 5x5 tiles with a resolution of 2048² and 30% blending

ha ha I got it backwards lol.

Ok, so I pretty much lost my computer for the entire day and it still has messed up tiling.

Oh, settings:


Ok, that’s odd. Maybe there is a conceptual error in how blending works in contrast to how it had to work to do what we want.
I think I have an idea of what is going on - I’ll write a bug report.

As a temporary workaround: build it twice (I know) so that the seems in both builds appear in different places (that is, their dimensions have to be coprime. They also should probably be as close to each other as possible).

For example 5x5 @ 2048 and 7x7 @ 1463

If you imagine where the seams will be (see image) you’ll notice that where one file has a seem, the other one doesn’t*. So you can blend them together in Photoshop, masking the places were there are visible seams.

*except for the intersections

A short question: What does the terrain look like at those artifacts?

Also, what version do you use and do you have any device in your network that is known to be problematic with tiling? (i.e. have a red !)

wm 2.1

you need a 100% of the tile or just want to know about the look? The look is as though the terrain ended there… I guess a few 100% sized clips wouldn’t hurt.

large image

In the basic coverage macro I have a red ! at the equalizer, but I didn’t mess with that part of the pipeline… I did mess with basic coverage but I had not gotten to that particular part to manipulate it. I only really messed with slope and height.

So the pure terrain, without all the overlay stuff, looks wrong too in 3D-view? So far it looks as if it were only a problem with the overlay not being blended correctly.

If I render it in 1 large image, none of these cut-offs are there. I can render the preview and it is all good. It is only the tiled output that is goofing for me, I just initially assumed I was doing it wrong and that is why the tiles were coming out mis-matched.


Yes, but how do the seams of the tiled version look in 3D (without overlay)?

OH when applied to the height map? I don’t use a tiled height map. The height map is 1281.

need a shot of that?

You know what - just give me your tmd.


btw, forums do not allow for .7z…


I can’t really use that file, probably something WM 2.1 vs 2.15.

However: The bitmap output has an option “blend across tiles” this definitely sounds like it should be active/checked !

Hi there,

I’m going to take a look at your TMD in a second, but my first question is are the seams in the heightfield or the bitmap texture or both?

I don’t have it set to build a tiled heightfield but if you so desire I can run a build of the heightfield as well.