TMD File is crashing WM need help resolving the issue

Hey Remnant,

I’ve been building a pretty decent world machine platform that takes in 4 tiles and generates splatmaps for terrain painting as well as I am currently working on the treemap creation part and soon to move onto bush and grass maps but I have a major issue that I am hoping you can help me on.

First of all I’ve encountered the bug of when you delete a route point and go to save the world it crashes WM 100% of the time. So with that I ended up losing a fair portion of my tree map macro creation but thankfully I had saved recently enough that I didnt lose it all. But now whats happened is I took a number of devices for the Treemap feature and created a macro of it, no problem there, I then saved it and life was good, but there were these two route points left over that were not connected to anything so I figured I would give it another shot and delete them thinking if it crashes at least I will have a more recent save.

So I hit delete on them both and try to save it and boom WM crashes. Ok fine lets load up the last save and carry on and ignore those points right? Nope, now whenever I open the file WM crashes. I’ve tried looking for the error log file but none seems to get created so I cannot even provide that.

I’ve attached the world file in the hopes that you can fix whatever is causing the issue and send it back or send a tool/steps that I can fix it myself as I really do not want to lose the work I have done on this the past week. Also can you send out a fix or something that disables these route points as they are causing more grief than good and frankly I am not using them on purpose they just happen by mistake when I click on a line instead of the box and it generates one.


I’ll take a look shortly and see if I can offer any help to ya!


I’m still investigating this problem.

However, before I discover the exact “why” I wanted to get the results of a fix to you. I’m currently working on WM 2.3 (a maintenance release) and that version has no problem opening the file successfully, although 2.2 bombs as you noted. I have successfully deleted the route points and resaved the file to fix the stranded route pointers and it now opens in WM 2.2. The fixed file is attached below, this should get you going again temporarily.

As for a long-term fix, I intend to put the 2.3 maintenance release to open-beta status soon – just doing some more internal testing and fixing to make sure nothing incredibly major has been broken (although outwardly its a simple maintenance release, it actually has a seriously re-factored internal engine to enable some groundbreaking changes a little further down the line…). I will definitely make noise about the open beta when that happens, hopefully within a few weeks.

Very sweet just downloaded it and I can open it whew!!! Thanks very much dude much appreciated and I look forward to 2.3’s release :slight_smile:

Does anyone have some replication steps for causing a stranded route point? It is supposed to be impossible to create, but clearly I’m missing an edge case somewhere…

I’ve been able to recreate it by putting a number of devices (used them from my macro, created a bunch of route points, saved it, then selected said devices and created a macro and voila stranded route points. If I go into the macro there are no route points, funny enough now when I delete said route points the app doesn’t crash, so I am not sure what caused that occurance. Still playing around with it to see if I can recreate it.

I’ve attached a couple screenshots.

Ok so now I created a couple route points in the macro, and deleted one no problem, closed the file and then re-opened it and boom WM crashes. So back to where I was at with the initial post.

Hope this helps you figure it out.

Yup, that was the info I needed! I now should be able to get rid of this issue.