Topographic Map

A Topographic Map includes contour lines drawn to represent changes in elevation .
Can someone tell me how to make a 2D Topographic map of my 3D Heightmap with WM?

Use the terrace filter set to max hardness, and modulate it using the terrain height. Output as a tiff, open in photoshop. You will have bands of grayscale, now you have to find a way to turn these into contour lines. Anything on what you want to accomplish and what you have currently?

Ok thank you ! I will try that . I will use it as an overlayimage to an Radar

To further add on to WFab’s method, you can do almost everything in World Machine:

  1. Use a terrace device, the number of terraces determines the elevation step between levels. Change the mode to “simple” to get the hardest edges possible.

  2. Add a Select Convexity device and connect it to the output of the above. This will pick out the elevation changes, but you will have a pair of lines, one on either side of the true vertical cliff. You likely want just a single line, so…

  3. Add a Height Selector to the output of #2, and set it to only the top of the height range.

You now have a set of elevation contours for your heightfield!

Thanx Remnant! It worked out amazingly well…Luve the outcome
WorldMachine have it within itself

I never would have thought of that! Thanks Stephen!!!

I tried my method in photoshop and it did NOT look as cool as your method, and inverting the picture gets a military grade radar overlay!!!

Can I export it as vector graphic. SVG file format?

Well now…

THAT would be pushing it too far, but is svg output on the list for next update? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Remnant that works great, i was using slope selector on a terrace before, but this is a bit cleaner.

Just wondering if there could ever be an option for setting specific heights. right now its hard to do something like a grey line every 5 metres and a black line every 15 metres. If you’re terrain height is set to a square number, like 1024 or 2048 both are not easily divisable by 5 or 15, so if you get your calculations close you’ll find that you can have grey lines spaced roughly every 5 metres and black lines spaced roughly 15metres, but they dont sit ontop of each other, as you’d imagine.

It’d be great to have some kind of looping function, so that you could do a narrow select height every 5metres. so it’d be consistent regardless of the height resolution of your terrain