v1.2 issues

Hello, I’ve been using World Machine for quite a while now, and I’ve been experimenting with the v1.2.

Some issues I’ve found:

[list][]The Thermal Weathering dialog box appears not to have been updated to the v1.2 UI - especially with regards to not being able to enter values for the slider controls, and no saved presets.
]Is the “gain” control actually used in the height-based and hybrid multifractal generators - it is left active but it doesn’t seem to do anything. It didn’t seem to in 0.99 either.
[]Regarding the delete warning, while useful, it does get annoying particularly for single devices. If multiple devices are selected then I can see the need for a warning, but it would be useful for single devices to be able to turn it off (I know that shift+delete does this, but IMHO deleting a device is a sufficiently common operation that a single keypress should suffice).
]The height scale control, while more accessible than in previous versions, is in a rather illogical place - the controls it is placed next to are more to do with the preview or graph view than terrain properties.
[*]The channeled erosion mode seems to generate much wider channels than the 0.99 version, is there any way of altering the channel width?[/list:u]

Hi there,

thanks for the feedback!

Hello, I've been using World Machine for quite a while now, and I've been experimenting with the v1.2.

Some issues I’ve found:

[list][]The Thermal Weathering dialog box appears not to have been updated to the v1.2 UI - especially with regards to not being able to enter values for the slider controls, and no saved presets.
]Is the “gain” control actually used in the height-based and hybrid multifractal generators - it is left active but it doesn’t seem to do anything. It didn’t seem to in 0.99 either.
[]Regarding the delete warning, while useful, it does get annoying particularly for single devices. If multiple devices are selected then I can see the need for a warning, but it would be useful for single devices to be able to turn it off (I know that shift+delete does this, but IMHO deleting a device is a sufficiently common operation that a single keypress should suffice).
]The height scale control, while more accessible than in previous versions, is in a rather illogical place - the controls it is placed next to are more to do with the preview or graph view than terrain properties.
[*]The channeled erosion mode seems to generate much wider channels than the 0.99 version, is there any way of altering the channel width?[/list:u]

You’re right about the Thermal erosion dialog… for 1.25 I’ve removed the custom dialog and just have it use the standard WM dialog system so that it gains support for Presets, etc.

The Gain control is used for the Stephen’s Experimental and Ridged Multifractal types. It is not used for any of the other noise types; you’re right that it probably should be disabled for them.

The delete warning can be a touch annoying, but until WM gains an Undo command it really should stay in place as a guard against accidental deletion.

The comment about the placement of the Terrain Height control is valid, but – honestly – I’m not sure if there’s a really better place for it. It’s handy to have it out in the open where it can be adjusted quickly.

Hmm. the channeled erosion mode should produce the same output as .99 erosion, if the other settings are the same – the defaults have changed between .99 and 1.0 however, as well as new settings have been exposed. Have you tried loading the preset “Classic WM Erosion”? This is very close to the old .99 channeled erosion.

Thanks for the reply. I tried out the preset, and it seems that lower duration parameters help with getting the channels all over the place.

Incidentally, I noticed that when loading presets, the channeling parameters aren’t activated or deactivated (when a preset changes the erosion type from standard to channeling erosion, and vice versa).

Also, it seems that the “active heightfields” number continually increases every time a new heightfield is generated, and never gets reset, though this problem doesn’t affect the memory usage (as far as I can tell).

well, in the newest update today (posted this on the tg list) theres something wonky going on…

basically its ignoring that i have an erosion in it at all

i can post the tmd

that would be helpful! I havent run into anything like that before.

its possible that its just me… ya know, but anyways… heres the file, hopefully the link works…


had to use zip… for some reason this new setup on my website doesnt like tmd files, i couldnt ever view it… couldnt link to it either… but the zip file should work fine

Just checked out the TMD; the erosion works fine that I can tell. are you sure you’re clicking on the erosion or file output device to see the effects?

if you are and still aren’t getting any erosion, can you post a screenshot of what you mean?

i always make sure im on file output… still does it the same way for me… the preview of the output, and the output are 2 different things… for some reason

im totally at a loss… it just doesnt look like any erosion is added, and yes, i do have output selected

after zooming in ALOT, i can tell that some erosion is effecting the final size, but not nearly the ammount that appears to be in the preview


update… after playing with the terrain height scale slider, the world looks more like the preview, but not completely

yes… erosion is not perfectly “scale indepedant”, that is, the preview may be different than the final since they are at different scales, especially with very dramatic landforms like that you fed into it in this world.

If you load up one of the stronger presets in the erosion device, like “Full strength”, you’ll see it pretty much completely erode away the terrain.

well, my original plan was to do an exxageratted terrace effect, then erode that…

been toying with doing a terrain similiar to what was left in the aftermath of glacial lake missoula’s bursting

it was something i saw on nova one night, some features around and downstream of where the lake was became extremely eroded extremely fast

but anyway