Validate Tileset in Tiled File Input

Hi Remnant,

In Tiled File Input under Validate Tileset:

in the Verify Extents window
Confirm the dimensions of your tileset:

I specify from files… (selecting the bottom left height map and the top right heightmap files)

Then I input the appropriate X and Y coordinates along with the appropriate Width and Height.

Finally, I input within Validate Tileset.
Start Numbering from X 16 Y 12
Number of tiles Width 4 Height 4

I then see the great heightmap result of the Tiled File Input in the 3D View on the secondary monitor…the problem is…

Each time I save/close/re-open the World Machine file, it forgets this info and I have to input it again! :frowning:

My main problem is, I have created an XML script to automate all of the terrain baking for the production.
All of my bakes come out completely fine (diffuse, color blend map, specular) except my normal map
doesn’t show the height information. I can clearly see any polish adjustments I had done after the Normal-map maker node (extra noise, or additional masks of detail) but zero height map info.

Is there a patch available, or are you able to give me an XML
command that works so I can essentially setup those validate tileset - verify extents numbers within the XML script.
I am simply doing a “normal” bake (not a tiled) through my XML script.

Please help!

Thank you!!