Vista 64bit, world machine not working?

Hello all,

I have recently bought a new computer and asked myself: why not try world machine again?
the last time I have used it was on my old pc running with vista business 32 bit and a geforce 4ti 4200.

this time I am using a computer running with vista 64 bit business edition and an ati radeon hd 4850 with all its latest drivers.
but trying to use world machine has become a little problem today.
this is what i get:

As you can see, the device view is completely white.
the 2d view works though. the other views i rarely use.

Does someone know a solution to this?
thanks a lot in advance!

p.s.: I am using the registered version of world machine 1.25 standard edition

Do you run into the same problems with other OpenGL based applications like Blender, Google Earth (set to use OpenGL) or Terragen 2?

thanks for the fast reply,

wow, I’ve never tried that before, but Terragen 2 and Google Earth (Open GL Start) crash the instant I try to open them both.
I don’t have blender, but I think that might happen there, as well!

Thanks for pinpointing the problem, but is there a known way to solve it?

Thanks in advance!

There is… unfortunately, you already tried it: Re-installing the driver.

But you could still try to perform a “clean re-install” of the driver. That basically means getting rid of the currently installed driver before reinstalling. Usually, you will find a description of how to do that somewhere at ATI’s website. There are free tools for this too.
After you uninstalled it, make absolutely sure you download the correct driver for your OS and make sure it is the 64bit edition.

it helped!
opengl related software programmes are running smoothly again!

Okay, here I am again.
And I thought that everything already worked fine, but I was proven wrong.

It’s really weird, especially because I didn’t do anything knowingly to get to this situation.
And there isn’t even any new driver for my graphic card.

The problem is, that once my OpenGL programmes worked fine (e.g. world machine), a few days later they were incompatible again.
World Machine 1&2 just die during the process of loading.
Terragen 2 dies, too; and some functions (e.g. 3d preview) in Terragen 0.9 let the programme crash.

Does anyone here happen to have solved this problem in the past?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Hi !

It has nothing to do with Vista 64 (well maybe not directly) I am running Vista 64 on my PC and have no problems at all !
Its the ATI card… I am sorry to say that but compatibility wise ATI cards are much behind NVIDIA… It has always been like this…
Just Get yourself 8800GT or better and you will be a happy man again :wink:

Cheers !