Volcanic Island Terrain

I use world machine both in my spare time and for my work and have been using it for a few years now, but this is my first time showing what I make to anyone but my employer or friends :smiley:

I found myself mucking around in google earth (as one does) and came across a neat island near Vanuatu https://www.google.com/maps/@-16.3628883,168.090154,12562a,35y,37.71t/data=!3m1!1e3

So I decided to give a try to recreating that style of island from scratch in world machine! It took me about 4 hours and while I probably won’t be working on it much more, any feedback is very appreciated :slight_smile:

The graph is VERY messy compared to what I usually strive for, it got a bit annoying to work with towards the end. (I made this while pulling an all-nighter lol) I probably won’t be uploading it unless someone is actually interested in poking around in it.

Looks beautiful! Great job there!

A simple tip about the complex graph, when your terrain is finished, do the coloring inside a macro. It would take slightly more time to set up and switch back and forth, but will be cleaner, more coherent, and reusable once finished. Even if you don’t publish many parameters, it’s still a ready to use “volcanic island coloring box”, just plug in the masks!

Again, brilliant job here!

I completely agree with WMFab. Nice work and using macros is certainly a good idea!

Wow, excellent work! Thanks for sharing!




