VoroNoise - Another macro... but a quite useful one!

As the name implies - it is a generator based on Voronoi.
If you take a look into the macro, you will notice that it doesn’t differ much from the technique perlin uses.

But with voronois, the results are absolutely different. And I’m not talking about some abstract freak heightfields - VoroNoise can produce quite realistic results.

Can be found here (as usual): > pfs <
edit: http://nkblog.nkdev.de/?page_id=446

ps: the sharpening macro has been updated and gives standard users much more control now!

Wow! Looks really interesting and useful. Thanks for sharing. :smiley:

agreed, this is very good! As you note, the voronoi is a function that can be used as a basis for fractal iterations, like you’ve done here.

I could imagine parameterizing a kind of persistence control as well as all the other parameters associated with the perlin noise device proper!

good stuff.

Thanks! :smiley:

Yeah, that would propably be a good idea.
Maybe I’ll try this today or tomorrow. :slight_smile:

I added a persistence control.
Integrating other parameters like setting the octave number wasn’t really possible due to too many devices, that would be needed.

The macro is slow enough for now :mrgreen:

But I added another Option, that switches the distance function euclidean and alternate2. I like alternate2, because it produces more curved lines.

I’ve downloaded and created a few terrains with the macros on your site. Each is wonderfully unique. Fun and interesting effects on some of them…

Thanks! :smiley:

Nice macros. Thank you for sharing. :smiley:

Pssst. Du kannst ja vielleicht mal ein Tutorial schreiben, wie man sich eigene Makros erstellen kann.

Yes, writing a tutorial about macro creation should be possible… but not within the the next two weeks. :slight_smile: