What is "Blending Percentage"?

I was going to do a tiled output when I saw Blending Percentage 12%. So I was wondering why is it needed and should I carry it to 100%

I have a very important advice, for you!!!

This is something that the author taught me when I moved my first steps into World Machine.

When you need a tiled build, dont build it directly with the tile button!!

Instead save a whole output with “Height Output” in 16 bits RAW format, something like “FullMap.r16”.
Then reimport it by using a “File Input” device and use it to build a tiled output with 0% blending.

Building a tiled output takes a lot of time and some devices give odd results, when used in a tiled output. Tiling a pre-baked heightfield, instead, is very fast and gives a nice and neat output.

As a last note (very important): remember to disable all the devices except the “File Input” and the tiled “Height Output” ones. Might be my impression, but when you hit the “Write output to disk!” button, WM build all the devices, not only the ones from the current chain. Disabling all the devices but the ones you really need will lower both the time and the memory it takes for the rendering.

Thanks for the advance. :smiley: I built the whole map with 16bit Raw, but when I reimported it with the File input device and connected it to my new output device the some check box was red :/, and couldn’t build

Please, post a screenshot of the “File Input” device’s settings.

Anyway here some hints for a correct “File Input” setup:
.- never change image extensions; Photoshop uses .raw for both 8 and 16 bits RAW images, but WM makes a distinction by giving them different extensions, so leave it as it is (.r16)
-. images are imported by the “File Input” device as 8x8km wide extents, which, most of the times, is not correct; hit the “Set from View” button to make the image fit your current extent
.- also, if the current extent is not at the default coordinates, be sure to hit the “Bring into View” button so that the image will be automatically centered inside your current extent
-. the “Edge Blending” slider is meant for those heightfields that wont fill the whole extent and might cause steep cliffs at their edges; in this case you won’t need it, so set it to zero

Thanks again, I got it to work by using the png format instead.

