What is this??

What are these spikes? I’m using the 2.3 beta 2

I dunno for r problem but how u did create this nice image? isthis rendred in world machine or out? and how u did this nice shape?

It is rendered in World Machine and it is made using Layout Generator.
I’ve never seen this problem before and it only happened when I set the resolution to 8k


Do you have the tmd and can you share it?

Yes. I’ve attached the file.

Just a guess at this point, but I rendered it at 512, 2048, and 4096 and it looks fine. I haven’t tried a full render yet at the setting in your tmd file (8192).

However, I did notice on my machine with a 4G memory, I received the “Building this world requires more memory at the current resolution than is available in physical memory. Disk swapping may occur …”

Did you render it (check “Yes” to the memory warning message) or do you not get that message (don’t know how much memory you have on your computer)? Also, have you tried a smaller resolution and did you get the “spikes”?

The guess is, you are getting into a virtual memory usage and that could possible cause artifacts, though I have no basis for stating that – just a guess.

You could try checking the “Conserve memory” in the Project Settings/Memory Usage panel.

When I have a large block of time, I’ll render it out at the 8192 resolution, but it looks like it will take a few hours.

I have 24G of memory and did not get this message so I don’t think this is where the problem lies :smiley:
However. I have noticed myself that there is no problem if I build it with a resolution of 4K or lower.

Strange problem – you obviously have a more powerful system than I do. I rendered it out last night without making any changes to the tmd file, and no artifacts.

Hm… maybe it was a one time ting.
I’ll try one more time and see what happens :wink:

I guess other possibilities… Are you “running on the edge”? I mean, overclocking or your computer temperatures are near the maximum (for whatever hardware you have.) Maybe your power supply is marginal for the power consumption during a render?