Where does WM store temp files ?

I had a huge build crashing and now my hd shows 30 gb less, I couldnt find where these files are.

Anyone knows where the last version stores temp files / virtual memory ?

Look under /Users/AppData/Roaming/World Machine 2.2 XYZ/temp.

That was it, thanks.

Are we able to change the folder location of these temp files?
would saving them to an SSD make world machine work faster than if they are on a regular hard drive?


Open up World Machine and go to Preferences->Paths. You’ll see an entry for temporary file location.

Putting your temp files on a SSD does indeed dramatically improve performance, and is recommended.

Is it possible to disable temporary files in all forms and tell WM “i’m fine, i have the memory, don’t store anything on disk” ?

Yup – again in preferences -> build options:

slide target memory usage to 100%
Uncheck “allow world machine to page to disk”

WM will then act as if memory is unlimited and let windows manage the virtual memory. Which works poorly with spinning hard disks, but can work decently with an SSD.

Awesome. when you say performance, do you mean just in when you’re using it? or in render speed? I’m always looking for ways i can increase my render speeds

Sorry to resurrect such an old thread but this is the first and only one that came up in a google search and it doesn’t seem to be working. I’ve set all of my paths to my large SSD drive and it’s still storing temp files on my smaller drive in the C:\Users[username]\Appdata\Roaming folder, which makes it unusable for large maps. I just found out the hard way when I tried to tile down a 32km map and got a low disk space warning and had to kill it 2 hours in.

Edit: Disregard. After deleting everything in the C:\Users[username\Appdata\Roaming\WM… folder and re-entering my license key, I tried it again and it started putting them in the specified location. Once again, sorry for digging up this old post.