WM 1.25 PDK released

The PDK for 1.25 is now available!

I will email notification to all who have previously requested a copy of it shortly.

Yay! Fil, will the lego plugin be updated? I have been desperate to use it. :wink:

  • Oshyan

Yes, I intend to update the Lego, plug-in… It has an issue with unintentional octogonal studs that I’ll probably fix…
I also have two more plug-ins “cooking in the hoven”… One for making roads and nother that still depends on a talk with Stephen so I don’t end up duplicating future devices in WM…
My priorities will be to get the Lego out first (ETA: end of this month)… The roads plug-in will take a while longer to come out, though the idea is already written on paper… :frowning:

Roads sounds awesome! :slight_smile:

  • Oshyan

How can we request a copy of the PDK?


Send me an email at remnant@world-machine.com and I’ll hook you up with the PDK.