WM and WM are now available

A new bugfix release is now available for both the Release and Development channels.

Upgrade Center

Adds the following features:

  • Mesh Output: Added support for multi-tile UV coordinates during tiled builds
  • Added degrees readout to slope selector

Fixes the following issues:

  • Dev Channel can’t load the 2.3.6 Release channel worlds
  • Fixed leftside preview blacking out when large world extents are selected
  • Memory conservation status is finally loaded/saved in your world file
  • Tiled Build: Fixed bug where text packet data caused tiled builds to fail
  • Automation: Fixed automated builds not using memory conservation
  • Automation: Automation variables now work correctly inside macros
  • Automation: Added additional verbosity to Automation (report settings, build progress)
  • Automation: Fixed bug where sometimes didn’t set current extents properly
  • Automation: Added console launcher to run WM better from command line: launch with WorldMachineCMD.exe.
  • Automation: Added ability to save all console output to a file with WorldMachineCMD.exe <yourfile.tms> -log yourlogfile.txt

And from WM

A number of changes relating to the Colorizer device:

  • Fixed gradient blacking out regression introduced in Whoops!
  • Added numerical entry ability for color values
  • Added numerical entry ability for keypoint value
  • Added scrollbuttons to cycle through keypoints
  • Improved selection logic to allow you to manipulate closely-spaced keypoints
  • World Machine will now indicate build progress in the toolbar with Windows 7 or above.
  • World Machine now understands elevation values of 0…1 as a scalar and will automatically interpret to the appropriate meter value. You can override this by appending an “m” to specify meters still.