WM hangs itself?


seems, there is nothing going on (calculating wise)?! - But also no freezing Windows or crash to desktop… any clues?!
(had to set “conserve memory”, because if not checked, WM aborts calculations with an “Out of memory error”, when “e2´s phantom noise” reaches about 8%)

Kind of strange: It worked a few weeks before, no “out of memory” (“conserve memory” was not checked!) - WM3dev went 100% thru all nodes/devices, no problem!
Today I wanted to calculate everything again (nothing changes in TMD since) - but WM fails… hmmm maybe I should just wait some more time/longer?

I remember it took quiet a few hours, back in the days…


…some more time passed - still no changes…

Ok, time to give it up…

Seems, WM hangs up without hint, warning, error msg, pop up, … would be cool to have some in the future!

EDIT: BTW, in 2048x2048 it calculates everything 100% without a problem! Is there some problem at higher res. with WM 3.01dev?

Hi there,

When you have this occur, can you go to the Windows task manager, right click on the World Machine application, and choose “Create Dump File”, then email the created file to support@world-machine.com

I can’t say with certainty if it is simply processing slowly or if its truly hung without looking at the dump; if it is the latter, the dump should help track down the issue.

Wouldn’t the 2560 mb of paged memory add a lot of time to the render?

Can you be a bit more specifiy, please?
When I do, what you suggest, I get a Files above 5GB in size - no way to email it - uploading to a webspace or something like this would take ages
with only 100kb upload-speed…


This is not a hang, just the slow speed of your hard disk during paging. What you need to do is use " conserve memory" option in world extents dialogue.

Hi, yeah - I did checked that option - without, WM aborts after 8% or so with “Out of memory”…
So maybe I give it a try on another (better) machine.

Maybe it hangs, because the “build time” for the “e2´s phantom noise” does not count up (only “time elapsed” does (!)

Best Regards

Out of memory errors occur when even your paging limit runs out. Try increasing your pagefile size to about 4 gb or more. Then wm will hang but won’t abort

I left WM alone thru the night - but still no progress on calculations… this evening, I will try it on another machine.

Thanks for the tipps!!!

Good news:

On my other rig it runs thru and finishes in about 1.5hrs… so the TMD file and macros are working ok, I guess…


Ok, the problem, why my other rig fails:

The temp-folder was set to a wrong drive (which is waaaay to small for such large projects).
Up to 4K res it works, but after that, space on drive is too limited… but thanks to http://forum.world-machine.com/index.php?topic=2762.0
this issue is also solved :slight_smile:

But anyway a little msg from WM like: “Not enough memory free, Dude! Get me a bigger swap drive” would be handy^^
