wm not working

I just installed v.99 beta on my p4, 2.4ghz, 512mb ram, mobility radeon 7500c with xp pro. I have sp2 installed and updated the drivers w/in the past few weeks. At first i thought it might be a corrupted dl somehow so i downloaded another copy and same thing happens. I open the program just fine and i am able to add new filters and generators, etc, but when i try to do anything, ie preview the default or try to switch to 3d view, it just freezes the program. I get error message that says “world machine main executable has encountered a problem and needs to close”. the “error signature” reads like this -

app name - world.exe, app ver -, mod name - atioglxx.dll, mod ver -, offset - 0029551b.

The error report also has a file attached to it called e8a1_appcompat.txt. If i had to guess i would say that it is something with openGL, but i don’t really know too much about that so…this post. anyone got any advice??

ps i also run 3dstudiomax [viz 4] regularly w/o any problems but that i think that uses heidi instead of openGL

Hi there,

the crash is occuring in the ATI OpenGL driver.

WM is hardly doing anything exotic in OpenGL, so I would expect that you’d also see issues in other OGL programs if it is the driver.

Have you updated the video drivers with the most recent ones from ATI? That usually cures driver issues. Other than that, you can try going to the control panel->Display->Settings->Troubleshoot, and setting Hardware Acceleration down all the way and see if that effects anything.

Anyone else have any ideas or have the same video card and has it working with WM?

it works!

i had gone to the ati website and tried to install catalyst on it but that didn’t work. little did i know down on the bottom of the page in small text it said dell users must go to the dell website for their updated drivers. :!:

so i got it working and now i can enjoy wm

thank you !! :smiley: