World Machine 2.3.5 World Crashing

I have been having trouble with 2.3.5 pro version. About 1 in every 3 builds it crashes (Not responding) I have gone back to and it builds faultlessly. I have tried very simple layouts with just perlin and erosion and it still crashes.

If you can upload a tmd file that crashes, we can check it on different systems and maybe help isolate the problem.

I have done more testing and it seems my startup file (attached) was causing the problem. I installed 2.3.5 in a separate location and using the old startup it still crashed every second or third build. Even just adding perlin and not connecting it caused the crash if the old startup nodes were there. Also old projects based on the startup often cause a crash. Note that it does not crash every build but I never went more than about 3 or 4.

I will continue to test without the old startup and see how it goes. I am using Windows 8.

Note, I’ve moved this bug report to the bug forum for better targeted followup.

So, adding a perlin device to the world you provided causes a crash in 2.3.5 for you? I will take a closer forensic look at the world file in a bit. I will let you know what i find. If anyone else wants to check it out and see if they have the same problem feel free to chime in!

I tried using 2.3.5 again with a blank startup and all went well till I added 4 outputs to erosion. Erosion built ok but when I added the OP’s it crashed on build. Back in all went fine. Note; I am using the pro version thus using 8 threads.

Am I the only one with this problem?


I could get the failure. I added perlin to your uploaded tmd and did several builds with a randomize between each build and on the third try it “hung” (not responding) at 90% while building erosion. Task manager showed 47.7 mb and zero cpu activity for the WM task.

Yes this is what happens with me. On the build it hangs with “not responding”. Is it just the pro version?

I’m using the pro version.

I will see if I can replicate this here – once a bug is replicated consistently it usually dies pretty quickly.

Thanks for the example world. I’ve replicated and found the issue and should be able to fix it shortly.

Good to hear, thanks.

This exact thing was happening to me as well. My IT guy was able to fix the problem, I think he said it had to do with the startup config settings file based on the user. He was able to fix the problem by going to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming and either deleting or renaming the World Machine Pro 2.2 folder.

I gave that a go and it hung on my first build.

I have released a hotfix version ( on the upgrade center which fixes this bug specifically.


Downloaded and installed and have not been able to make it hang on the several builds I have tried so far. Looking good.