World Machine mask importation help

So I was trying to import a high resolution mask to edit it in World Machine but whenever I import it I get something very blocky. Is there an option I forgot to choose so it would come out like the picture I imported?

Hi there,

That is certainly not normal.
can you provide more information – what does the original mask look like? what is the file format?

Its png format, here’s the pic but its resolution was 4000x4000

very strange. If you could send the original file to I can track down the cause of it. The only workarounds I can think of at the moment might be that somehow the vertical scaling data is getting messed up, and to try changing the altitude scaling section of the file input dialog to “Full Range”

ok I’ll send it now. Thanks for your help.
Oh btw I got the original to be attached

Hi there,

Short answer is that World Machine is expecting a heightmap for input, not an alpha-masked layer. To fix this, simply take your original and replace the transparent sections with white. Unfortunately there’s no automatic way for World Machine to know what the proper background should be, so this really does need to be done manually, before the file is read.

Thanks a lot! It worked

All I gotta do is soften the edges.