World Machine v1.25 Released!

Visit the main website for more information, including upgrade info.

A brief look at what’s new in 1.25:

[] Many bugs have been fixed!
]Device Reference added. You can now access help for each device directly from its parameter page.
[] Added Coordinate input to generators, and a Coordinate datatype.
] Added “Tiling” parameter to the Gradient generator to allow the gradient to repeat.
[] File Output “Write Now” button can now rebuild the world if its not yet built.
] File Input and Output now have an option to preserve file paths or not.
[] Web Links added to Help menu.
] Generators now have Mask inputs.
[] Minor usability improvements (Device parameter inputs now show the current value on mouseover; Preset dialog shows # of presets available for this device)
] Deprecated the old Combiner and Arithmetic Combiner, and merged their functionality into a new Combiner device.