WTH My hard drive is full after building my project, AND I'M PISSED

I am making a large tiled project, when I built it using tiled build and all, everything is fine, I have 8 Gigs on my hard drive still, Unfortunately I had to cancle this twice, which I had to delete other files after the first time to make room for it, so after trying to build it twice, I have delete approxamitly 12 gbs, and it shows it as full. SO WHAT I WANT TO FING know, is where world machine took up that hard drive space, as I’ve been looking with no luck, As for one I didn’t actually get to export the maps yet as far as I know, as I only pressed the tiled build, SO where the hell is it at… I don’t know if it cached it or what… but all I know is a tiled build it with the green butten with the screw looking thing, and it started building the 400 maps, then it said it ran out of disk space, cancled and bam my Hard drive is completly full…

There are two possible locations I know of, one is a folder called “WM Temp” located in the base folder of your drive;
The other option is the virtual memory called pagefile.sys, it’s a tool Windows uses when it runs out of physical RAM, there are a lot of guides out there on how to manually clear your pagefile.sys

World machine pages a lot of data to disk when doing heavy tiled builds. Make sure you have space on your OS drive, or shift your “temp” folder to a more empty drive in your world machine preferences. If program crashes mid build, then these files do not get deleted, in which case you have to clear them manually.

By default, the temp folder where swap files are located is “C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\World Machine 2.2 Professional\temp”

@JakBB: I also recently found out that world machine does not use pagefile.sys to swap. It swaps directly to the temp folder set in wm preferences. Didn’t know this earlier.

That explains why some of my larger maps (56 GB) arnt building. I tried expanding my paging to some 80 GB but now I know that WM dosnt use that.

Thanks to this I have cleared up 43 GB in my storage. Ill probably rise to 80 or something sometime later but at least ill happen in my TB drive, not in my 128 Gb C drive.

THANKS SO MUCH, I got like 15 gbs from it freed.