yet another citymaker

Hello all!

I have a rather more impressionistic “city” maker macro.
If anybody is interested, I will try uploading it.
The first image following is straight output, followed by a hybrid composited in Photoshop.

Image 1

image 2

This is really freakin cool!

I’m trying to come up with a better macro sharing system than present, to make it much easier to share macros like this and all of the other cool things that people have created.

Very nice results indeed. Amusingly the vertex stretching on the side due to non-vertical surfaces and finite heightfield resolution creates a sort of “building windows” effect that adds to the realism. :smiley:

  • Oshyan

WOW! yeah, the stretch actually works!


Hey, thanks for the extremely kind comments, everybody!

I’ll try uploading the macro when I get back to my PC on Monday.

Meanwhile, I’m going to open a new topic, “fanciful landscapes”, and post some of those.
(Yes, I’m afraid you’ve created a monster!)


OK, last one, I promise.

Ok, I lied.
I thought this might be interesting to some for the way I got trees into the picture, and that’s by using an aerial view of some trees in New Hampshire (I’ll leave to you to speculate just how I got that), and punching holes selectively in the city image layer to reveal the tree layer below. Other color tweaks in Photoshop were made. I hope to figure out how to add colors of my own using suggestions elsewhere on this board soon.
After I’ve gotten enough letters of revilement, I’ll junk all this stuff after it’s up a bit.


Wow… reminds me of a teamwork I did with Hillrunner…

I may still have the tmd file, for those who are interested…


– I’ve been meaning to tell you how very interesting that picture is.
I’d really like to see that tmd if you still have it.

  • ford’

Here it is…
Because it was created for a 2048x2048 terrain, part of the features (stones, buildings) are too small to appear in the preview… To better understand the network, you should increase the “Distance” parameter in the Expander device, and the “Scale” and “Add to Terrain” parameters in the Postpiles macro.
Enjoy :slight_smile:


I can see I have a LOT to learn. This will keep me busy for quite a while.

My impressionistic citiscape generator elements follow.
First, the function block over view:

Next the urban area macro:

… and finally, the “big building block macro”:

My curve (for the moment) looks like this:

Obviously, this will teach you nothing that you don’t already know.

So thanks, hugely, for posting your entire tmd file.
Do I need to “zip” mine to post it?


Hi :slight_smile:
You know, my tmd file is not so complex… It mostly consists in three parts - the stones, the buildings and the circular gradient, being mixed up, and then masks extracted from them. No need to have a full knowledge of the software to understand it, you just need patience (as I needed a lot of patience to make it :shock:)
About your file, I think the forum doesn’t allow zip files (nor tmd), so you may need to post it on a website. If you don’t have one, I can host it on mine if you want :slight_smile:

You could also convert the WM output to vector outlines and make them polys in your 3d program, then use the heightmap to drive the shift amount.


I’m not clear on this. Can I convert to vector outlines in W-M?
