Coastal Erosion fills in existing water/0m terrain?

(Note: I’m using World Machine to make heightmaps for OpenTTD, where elevations at/under 0m/pure black is considered water.)

Something I keep coming across is Coastal Erosion is that it fills in any 0m height areas, and leaves the coasts unchanged. This creates a valley that follows the original coast, between the original coast and the new hump generated by Coastal Erosion.

Is there a way of preventing this?

EDIT: Here is an example of the weirdness. Coast size is set to 330m.

Sea level set to 0m:

Sea level set to 200m, the sea floor has raised to ~76m:

coast erosion raising ocean floor.tmd (89.1 KB)

I have a hard time wrapping my head around your issue, can you share a screenshot or upload an example .tmd file?