4043 - Instance scattering ignore scaling settings

So, as solution for this topic: Separate Scaling method for each channel of package? - General Discussion - World Machine Community i started use two Instance Tiling nodes, one for scaling of heightmap with “Bicubic Soft” set to 1.0 scaling, and second one for scaling of bitmap with “Nearest Neighbor” set to 1.0

After test i did discover, that both nodes ignore those scaling settings inside them, and just use Project Default Scaling Type

I think it is a bug. Because each tiling node should use own scaling method, and not the project one

The instance tiler does not actually allow you to change the rescaling type directly, although it certainly could and should.

You might be trying to adjus the resolution config and hoping that that option is applied to the device’s internal operations. The rescaler chosen there changes the processing resolution of the device independent of the inputs and rescales them using your chosen operator - it does not affect the operation within the device at all.

oh noooo :sob::sob::sob::sob:


You might be trying to adjus the resolution config and hoping that that option is applied to the device’s internal operations.

I did try that todays morning - devices just started to crash project. I did send 3-4 crash reports about that, so you will see what happen

one more test made:

i can not confirm your words - because when i use custom re-scaling type (under “custom” i mean that one, that different from project default one) - i receive different results in Instance Tiling even without usage of custom resolution set:

also one more test made:

if you have macro with Instance Tiling inside of it, you have three different re-scaling types that impact your result:

  • first one is the project settings one
  • second one is rescaling type chosed in Intance TIling
  • third one is rescalng type chosed in macro settings

So you have milion of combinations how your rescaling in Instance Tiling will look - i dont know math how calculate 3*(number of scaling types)=number of possible combinations