Adding Integers

Is there any way to add integers together, the way you would do with scalar values? I have a complex setup that I’m using an integer as a Seed input (don’t want to use Randomize as I want to be able to control the seed value). However, because it’s a complex setup that means that I’ve got 30 or 40 perlin noise generators with the exact same seed value, and thus are creating more or less the exact same shape…not exactly ideal for my randomized setup, as I’m hoping for lots of happy accidents as different noises combine in different ways.

What I figured I could do is just add a +1 to that integer/seed value before plugging it into the input of the noise generators. That way each noise would have a different seed value, but they would all ultimately tie back to 1 single, seed number. But so far I cannot find anyway to add 2 integers together.

Any thoughts?

Unfortunately the number of devices that can work with Integer types are rather limited.

However, WM casts scalars to integers when a scalar parameter is hooked up to an integer input: This means you can use a scalar to supply your seed values, which allows you to use the Scalar Arithmetic device to do what you want.

The only caveat here is the usual imprecision of a floating point type; but as long as your float stays exactly the same it should cast to the same integer always…

Is there a way to convert an integer value to a scalar? Since the range of integer value’s is clamped to 0 - 65535, then could we translate that to a 0 - 1 scalar value?

Your suggestion about using a scalar as a seed value works well, but unfortunately I have to start with an integer value as it’s being supplied from outside WM to begin with

I suppose I could always create a network of 65535 “Integer Equals” devices to just manually convert each possible integer value…but that would probably be excessive