Another analysis of game-terrains powered by WM

Quake Wars is a game that heavily utilized WM in their terrains. Some terrains had parts sculpted in Mudbox and then brought into WM, and then back into the engine. Take a look at this:

Notice those smooth, round mountains? Is that a result of an advanced perlin configured with smooth billowy? My version of it usually comes with a lot of noise and the terrain ends looking like a “cumulunimbus” with some large amounts of soft bumpy noise.

That terrain doesn’t look too complex to me.
One thing I’m always trying to remember when seeing a cool looking terrain is that I don’t have to reproduce it 1:1, it is always going to turn out different, that doesn’t mean it’s worse.

Anyway, to have less noise on your perlin you could just lower the persistance and/or use a thermal weathering on a low mass balance, nothing too strong!

Thanks for the info, i’ll try it out!

One thing that got me curious is how they cut the erosion from the top of those hills. Is that a height selector? This is the closest i got to that terrain:

It’s not really good on the colors. I’m using the Basic Coverage node to get base colors and then the splat converter to create my splatmaps.

Yeah, a height selector could work, but I can imagine a slope selector could work better.
I also recommend you to change your perlin to match the terrain you first showed and find the best configs.

Good Luck :slight_smile:

But that’s my matching perlin… :stuck_out_tongue:

Advanced Perlin with soft billowy. But it’s not building the sand areas via erosion, so, i guess i’ll have to make a mask. Also, i tried terracing for the sand areas, but it look like crap.