Base for generating rolling plains?

I need to make a terrain for a farming community. What would you guys recommend as a base to start from? It needs to be fairly flat with some height variety and maybe some hills. So far I’m getting either too mountainous or too flat and bland.

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Do you have some reference material? Imagery on the type of landscape you want to create and such?

Something like this:

Something like this?


Yes! What did you use to generate that kind of terrain?

A very simple flat base terrain, then using a river system to carve out the river paths. Then, using varying slopes for the old version of the Thermal Weathering device, I’ve created the valleys. And finally, using the Snow device I emulated the dirt depositions, giving the smooth look.

Check the
rolling-hills-landscape.tmd (275.9 KB)


Thanks very much for the file! I will definitely check out how you made this happen.


Since it was out there, I took a look too. I’ve been curious to learn more of your chained-weathering technique, so it was great to see an example of it in use.

I took it apart and put it back together with a few of my own tweaks and came up with this:


@davidroberson Could you share the tmd?

No problem. It’s from Build 4032 (Dev Channel Release), I think.

branch - rolling-hills-landscape.tmd (1.3 MB)

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BTW, has there been an update since Dev 4032? I was going to extend my license but it’s saying I’m up to date with this version.

@davidroberson Nope, 4032 is currently still the last development build released may last year. I would recommend waiting for some sign of life before extending your maintenance.

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I’m worried that developer do not answer on e-mails and do not moderating the WM suggestions forum ( User Suggestions - World Machine ( since February 2023