I wanted to share a script that I’ve been working on for a little while to help make the importing of mulitple .obj files into Maya easier. It started as a script to automate the importing and rotation of several hundred tiled .objs, but grew into something with a bit more utility, so I thought I would add a few more options and share.
So here’s what it’ll do:
Import .objs from a folder (currently the only way it operates, I’m going to add to this soon)
Rotate, Translate and Scale the geometry (good for correcting world machines Z-up)
Soften the normals
Normalize multi-tiled UVs and optionally put that in a new UV set ( useful for using multi-tile images for masks etc. but a single high res image for color such as a satelitte image)
If you want to use the normalize UVs option, then you need to tell it the number of x and y tiles you output from world machine.
Currently using the secondary UV set needs to be manually setup in maya, but I’m going to add this to the script soon too.