Device Reference - Translation

Since there is already a manual in german it would be nice to have a german device reference too.
So, I’d like to translate it (the large .html page).

Is there already someone doing this?

Not that I know of!

Hi !

I’ve just begun the french translation of Device Reference !

I hope that nobody began it !



That’s why I did this post - if somebody translates it, I can say:
“It’s your fault - you should have looked into the official board - now you translated for nothing!”

Pascal: no, not this time…
Nikita: I can assure you this is very frustrating when it happens to you.

Ralph : Et ça met très mal à l’aise celui qui a fait la traduction :oops: C’est pourquoi je préfère me renseigner, cette fois-ci ^^

Ok, then I will start translating.

A german translation would be very helpful for me as well.