Does World Machine have brushes?

What I mean, is like in terragen, it has the ability to raise and lower the terrain with a brush type object, I was wondering if world machine had the same thing?

No, World Machine is entirely “procedural”. There are no “explicit” terrain editing tools like brushes. If you want something like that I suggest Terrapainter, Terrabrush, or Wilbur for free tools, or Landformer Pro, Leveller, and others for commercial tools. See for links.

  • Oshyan

Thanks! I find this very useful when making heightmaps for Terragen anyways, and i’m such a noob at both programs so this is alot of fun! Just wish it didn’t take so long to render things in terragen.

Made a couple images in terragen using heightmaps from World Machine.

Going on my previous subject, I was wondering now if there is a way to make some parts of the enviroments terraced, while others are not… to get a completely random terrain without everything having those certain features like terracing? Perhaps by building the map out of multiple perlin things? I’m wondering if there’s some advanced method of doing things like this.

Before saying anything else… Nice pics :wink:

As for “placing terraces here and no terraces there”, I have written some stuff over here and here, that involves the chooser device…
You don’t need the chooser device for this case because the 2nd port of the terrace device is the effect mask.
So you only need to feed it a heightmap that is higher where you want the terraces to be, and lower elsewhere.

How to create that heightmap is the bigger problem… You could verywell do as you say, to use perlims, but you should probably try srtaing from devices that you already have so the resulting map is somehow related to existing the terrain. (like using a select height, if you want it, and changing its output by multiplying something… ) I think “use your imagination” is probably the best advice for that :P…

Hope this helped