Export height map with absolute values

Hey there, newbie here.
Can I export my project as heightmap but the pixels being in absolute values? By absolute I mean the pixels being something like (3000, 3000, 3000, 1), just like the actual height.

All height, or brightness value in world machine, is relatively mapped in fractional values between 0 and 1.

So no, you cannot have height values outside 0-1. At least when it comes to brightness.

That said, you can have absolute values baked into your heightmap proportional to the terrain scale in meters. For example, you can bake your heightmap at a proportional scale 8km/8km/2.625km.

As a general rule, all scale in world machine, is relative. Scale only takes absolute values when you bake your terrain to a file format that supports absolute scale, for example a triangulated mesh.

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That said, you can have absolute values baked into your heightmap proportional to the terrain scale in meters. For example, you can bake your heightmap at a proportional scale 8km/8km/2.625km.

Thank you for answering. How can I do that?

@mryp Oh, “how” will take a lot of words, and energy, to answer, especially in text. I need some more info if I have to outline a complete workflow. Here’s a shortened summary.

In general, you can find your relative “scale” settings in the “Project settings”. You have to go to the menu “Project>Project Settings”. X and Y scales, along with the project build resolution you can set in the first tab “Scene setup”, and Z or UP scale you’ll find in the second tab “Project setup”. These settings will affect all your inputs, outputs, and world machine nodes.

You can bake out any data using appropriate “output” nodes. For example you can save your “Heightmap” using a “Height output”. All outputs work using “project settings”, so your scale will be respected across wm operators and outputs. It depends on your target engine if it understands “natural scale” or “absolute pixel values”.

I’ll try what you suggest, you’ve been very helpful. Thank you

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