Exported ".ter" height maps look incorrectly scaled in Terragen...


World Machine is a fabulous terrain editor and its 3D previewing system is fantastic for getting a really detailed view of your height maps before exporting them. Perhaps others that work with World Machine and Terragen (0.9) can explain why the scaling doesn’t seem to match between the applications for me? When I import the terrain file into Terragen, it looks as though the blacks/whites have been harshly equalized and the peaks/valley are very stark and jagged, nothing like the nice subtleties of WM’s 3D view. If I compare it to the 2D height view of the terrain in World Machine, it has very nice, subtle gradations of grey with only small amounts of pure white at the very peaks. In the Terragen import, the white is blown out of proportion, leading to far steeper mountains and deep jagged valleys that didn’t exist in WM. Also, the height range appears to be about 2000m off. In WM, I have the Terrain Height Scale set to 5160m, yet in Terragen it loads with the height range between -2214 - 4858. Could this be part of the problem? Pretty puzzling to me. Perhaps I’ll experiment with importing an exported .BMP greyscale image instead. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


In the existing 1.25 version, .TER output should be scaled right, but is offset wrongly… approximately half the terrain will be underwater. I always simply do a vertical bound on the terrain in TG after import and set it to what I used in WM.

This is of course fixed for the next version of WM.

it seems to work, but the moment I save it in wilbur, its way above sea level in WM, though still looks correct in terragen.

Any workarounds? It seems my only options are to use one of the other WM exports, but the problem is the only good hires one that should work in wilbur (povray) doesn’t open there, for some reason. Everything else is too low res, i’ll lose detail drastically anytime I try to manually edit the heightfield in wilbur.