From WM to Vue with .TIFF Displacement map - Altitude problem

hi there,

I went into some trouble, when try importing a displace/height map (created in WM, saved as 16bitt TIFF) into Vue.

Everything´s fine, except for the terrain-height/altitude - when importing, Vue confronts me with a slider to set
a value between 0 and 100% and a blending mode.

So for blending-option, I left it on “Blend” (as the map is importet on a clean, flat terrain) but for the height-percentage…

Well that´s the problem - I can get a preview, of what result I will get from a certain value - but I want to have the
exact same height, like I have in WM and not a “guestimation”.

On some terrains, it seams like about “50%” is right, on other terrains it is more like “20%”… it is different all the time, I guess.

Is there no way to calculate or normalize or do whatever to import/create from heightmap 1:1 ?


For tiff terrains this happens sometimes. Don’t use blending, just keep it 100% on the terrain side and click ok on it. Next get out of the terrain editor, then in side view, resize according to your requirement. Blending causes some detail loss due to black input.

Yes, thank you man!
It is indeed better to resize later instead of lowering the %
